[CRAZY] I Can't Believe I Survived This Week!
Launching and fulfilling books this crazy! Can't stop won't stop!
Hey everyone! It has been a CRAZY week! I just got back from Las Vegas for a work trip and I got some things I want to share with y’all! Time for a silly goose time!
Real quick! MY SEXY WITCH ACADEMIA #1-3 campaign launches THIS WEDNESDAY! I’ll make sure to send you an email reminder on Friday, but if you want a day-of reminder, make sure to hit that NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH button!
Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mrsmilecomics/my-sexy-witch-academia-1-3-a-magical-nsfw-story
This Week Was Crazy. Fulfillment. Snow. Vegas.
Did you guys know I run a marketing company? If not, then here’s a quick snippet of my week. I run a marketing agency that creates content that grows people’s businesses. I tend to do the marketing strategy, and then I have a team who helps execute the projects.
Well. This week was crazy. Here’s what I got up to:
TUESDAY: I officially fulfilled the GIRL WITH THE MEGA FISTS Vol. 4 campaign!
WEDNESDAY: I shot a commercial for one of our clients that pays us $10k a month. We created a story that ties their products with the precision and speed of snowboarding. So. We went to the mountains and snowboarded.
THURSDAY - FRIDAY: I jumped on a plane in the morning to Las Vegas with a client for a networking conference to help them drum up more business. Talked to a LOT of people, lots of contacts exchanged, had some great client dinners.
SATURDAY: Went to one of my clients in the morning to film some content before heading to the airport. Normally I’m not the one doing it, but because I was there and I brought some camera equipment with me, I figured I should go there and work. It’s an all-female gym that helps women get a booty so…I wasn’t complaining being there and filming haha.
So what’s next this week? LOTS!!!
We’re launching MY SEXY WITCH ACADEMIA #1-3 on Kickstarter, and I got BULLET ASSASSIN LIVING IN A FANTASY WORLD #2 in the mail so it’s time to get ready for fulfillment!
Not gonna lie, this 23 year old has been inspiring me and helping me work harder than ever. Cam Meunier is a marketing agency entrepreneur who did $1 million in revenue last year. He vlogs his whole process and it’s really inspiring. Honestly, without his videos, I wouldn’t have gotten off my ass and hitting local businesses and hustling for business.
But here’s the thing, it got me thinking:
What if I created a separate channel and newsletter that was about my marketing company and I showed what it was like growing it, while also teaching people what lessons that they could learn to level up? As well, what if I used examples from comics and manga as a way to metaphorically teach these skills and lessons?
Would that be interesting? Idk. Chat GPT and I had a convo about this and we came to the conclusion that the business content would be good, but adding the anime and manga aspect could make it too niche. But who knows, maybe that’s what makes it unique?
Synopsis: Three villains, one Dark Knight, and a deadly heist gone wrong. Catwoman, the Riddler, and the Penguin join forces to pull off the greatest robbery in the history of Gotham City. And their prize? A mysterious and priceless artifact in the secret possession of Bruce Wayne! But, as the events unfold, what fun is a heist without a bloody double-cross or two? The blockbuster team of Tom King and David Marquez brings an epic, white-knuckled, action-packed tale of a young Batman desperate to recover his most prized possession from a host of violent rogues before the clock strikes the Killing Time...
Thoughts: This was typical Tom King. Fantastic premise and intriguing story…executed poorly. The dude can’t write dialogue to save his life. If it wasn’t for the fact that the premise of this story was actually interesting, I would've given up on the first issue. The problem was that each issue was meh the whole 19-pages until you got to the final 3-4 and then it made me go “dammit I have to keep reading!”
The art by David Marquez was stunning. Get this guy on more regular books!
Okay! That’s it for this week!
I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my hectic life!
Enjoy your week!
A marketing channel sounds AWESOME!!
(And with of the advice of “Million Dollar Weekend by Noah Kagan, you should just try it! ..perhaps even on Draw and Talk. You have to know that a good chunk of your audience are wannabe creators {ahem} and basically a perfect test audience for such an idea like mixing marketing lessons with anime! And if it “doesn’t work” then at you tried it and can iron out the kinks for next time)
Humble thoughts of a dumb guy lol
Keep being awesome Tyler!
Hardest working SOB in the indie comics scene!