This Tweet Got Me In Trouble With Comic Creators...AGAIN!
You have 10 days left to back THE GIRL WITH THE MEGA FISTS on Kickstarter
Good morning, good afternoon, good night (depending on when you’re reading this). Today we’re going to talk about the TWEET that got me in trouble with comic creators (again) and as well as talk about a cool experiment I did (that YOU can replicate).
But first, we have TEN DAY LEFT for THE GIRL WITH THE MEGA FISTS Vol. 1-4 campaign on Kickstarter. If you haven’t backed it, now is the time to do so:
I’m actively drawing this book every day and I’m having a blast! It’s just action action action in these pages!
If you want the progress of all the other comic projects that are being worked on right now, please make your way to the bottom of the newsletter.
So this weekend my friend Larry made a joke on Twitter saying he needed some “hot takes” for content for his Youtube show. So I tweeted this:
Needless to say it got almost 10k views on Twitter, and then it made it’s way onto Facebook in various creator groups where creators do what creators do best:
Bicker, complain, and call names.
One of these groups I was in, and the comments were nasty.
I was called a hack, joke, unsuccessful, bigot, and nazi. ALL BECAUSE OF THIS TWEET!
Now let me explain why I have this take (make sure to read it one more time).
Earlier this week I sat down and wrote a 60-page one-shot graphic novel about a military special forces squad who were tasked with finding an asset in a foreign country, and getting them out of there in 24 hours. It was going to have the following story beats:
We found the guy
As we extract the guy, bad guys shoot good guys
More and more problems along the way
Good guys get asset out successfully.
You know what movies are JUST LIKE THIS?
Extraction 1 & 2
Mile 22
16 Blocks (which happens to have Bruce Willis in it)
What INSPIRED me to write this graphic novel? I was playing my favorite game GHOST RECON WILDLANDS and one of the missions was this very scenario and I thought it would be fun to do it myself in the EXACT SAME WAY.
Just because it’s YOUR take on it doesn’t make the story any less generic.
My friend Tom Hutchinson has a saying “not every comic idea needs to be made.” That was the conclusion I had for this exact story I had written.
Now. How would I make it NOT generic? Easy.
The squad is a bunch of cute anime military girls, and not only are they being hunted down in various terrain by different enemy types, but each girl also has a Pokemon type pet that can fight the enemies pokemon type pets so that we get massive Kaiju fights WHILE trying extract the asset.
Now the story is interesting, visually appealing, and different.
The PROBLEM with so many indie creators (and mainstream creators too) is that their heads are so far up their own asses that they’re unable to look at their works and judge them honestly.
Here’s some honesty: my series DEMONS is VERY GENERIC. I love the series a ton and I think it’s a very fun and entertaining story. But it’s generic. It doesn’t do anything NEW to the supernatural action genre. Same with my graphic novel ENTITY. It’s a generic Sci-Fi adventure story.
Realizing that those two books were generic and having a heart-to-heart about them with myself helped me level up to the point where I could LEARN how to make COMPELLING story ideas for comics.
It’s crazy to me that creators who want to art professionally are so fragile when it comes to statements like these. It’s sad. And here’s the thing:
The moment you call someone who has a different opinion than you a NAZI, you’ve lost the argument.
So. Creators. Do better.
This week I created a new business called THE MANGA CAFE. It has a Newsletter, Blog, and Youtube account. Every week I’ll be writing THREE blog posts, that will then be combined into a Newsletter, and then turned into a Youtube video. If you want to be part of it, you can sign up here for it:
Because I want this to be it’s OWN thing, I needed to start a new Twitter account and start getting that engagement, and this week did NOT disappoint.
Many of y’all will post in here complaining about your “lack” of engagement on Twitter, and blame Elon for “repressing your tweets” when in all reality you don’t know how to tweet So I’m gonna show you:
I made a new account that is comic and manga related. It has 9 followers but originally had ZERO at the start of last week I made ONE post thread that got 720 views.
This post led to people going on my website, and making me around $50 in sales, and 10 newsletter signups.
A new account did this.
And the goal is to continue to grow it every week.
Here are the steps:
1) stop tweeting like this is your diary. Act professional.
2) create engaging discussion based off of topics that are either evergreen, interesting, or trending
3) create DISCUSSION. Share your legit opinion that will give some an emotional reaction that will make them read the content
4) use content to tease MORE content on your website, blog, YT, newsletter, etc
5) get them into your funnel and continue to feed them content they’ll want/enjoy, and hopefully convert 2-3% of them.
6) repeat repeat repeat
Twitter isn’t a bad platform, you’re just bad at tweeting.
GIRL WITH THE MEGA FISTS Vol. 1-4 has 10 days left on Kickstarter
MY SEXY WITCH ACADEMIA #1 is COMPLETED and will be sent to the printer this week
THE CTHULHU MURDERS #1 is currently in review on Kickstarter, and is kinda going through a development change (more about that next week).
SUPER PLUMBER SISTERS #1 progress has currently stalled. I don’t want to get into details quite yet, but I will next week. I have a solution already in place for the problem that is setting us back and I’m ready to pull the trigger on it, but first I want to make sure it’s the right decision to make.
Thank you guys for reading!
I seriously hope that NEXT WEEK I have a happy newsletter to give you…because as of right now this week is about to be hell for me…
Okay. Peace!
Tyler :)
Man, oh man! You already have lunatics breaking out the N-Word and B-Word on you? Must’ve really hit ‘em where it hurt with that truth bomb. 😅