First time reader here. Yes, yes, yes: Communication is the key. It is the soothing lotion that keeps the friction between the creative types working. While daily contact *might* not be necessary, depending on deadlines, communicate at least once weekly. And if there is trouble or delays the SOONER you tell me and the others the quicker we can reschedule and reallocated resources.
I come from an editor point of view and as a former layout artist (I prefer layout technician, because, while it is somewhat artistic it's not as creative as inking, coloring, or lettering IMHO, but highly technical). Nothing, but nothing, will piss off me, my clients, and even the other creative types than a ghosting from someone on a project. This is especially true for dispersed "online" projects. That was one advantage of the old cube farm: I could, with a glance, know who was working on what.
See! This what you and I were talking about in 2021! And that’s why I personally think a creator could be famous for one thing totally unrelated to comics, AND THEN release a comic to pretty great success!
I’m not saying it’s the best formula, not at all, but you’re right ITS GONNA HAPPEN.
Absolutely! I remember YOU were doing a ton of Minecraft content.
I think if people are able to find a way that just tells people "HEY I like to create things" there is bound to be some overlap from the content you make for people, and the comics you can create
First time reader here. Yes, yes, yes: Communication is the key. It is the soothing lotion that keeps the friction between the creative types working. While daily contact *might* not be necessary, depending on deadlines, communicate at least once weekly. And if there is trouble or delays the SOONER you tell me and the others the quicker we can reschedule and reallocated resources.
I come from an editor point of view and as a former layout artist (I prefer layout technician, because, while it is somewhat artistic it's not as creative as inking, coloring, or lettering IMHO, but highly technical). Nothing, but nothing, will piss off me, my clients, and even the other creative types than a ghosting from someone on a project. This is especially true for dispersed "online" projects. That was one advantage of the old cube farm: I could, with a glance, know who was working on what.
See! This what you and I were talking about in 2021! And that’s why I personally think a creator could be famous for one thing totally unrelated to comics, AND THEN release a comic to pretty great success!
I’m not saying it’s the best formula, not at all, but you’re right ITS GONNA HAPPEN.
As always, good luck Tyler!!
Absolutely! I remember YOU were doing a ton of Minecraft content.
I think if people are able to find a way that just tells people "HEY I like to create things" there is bound to be some overlap from the content you make for people, and the comics you can create